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The challenge:
Find a blog with a URL of the form that is either (a) not taken, or (b) still active.
The rules:
I am sole arbiter of what qualifies as a firstname.
The prize:
Fame, no fortune.[1]
Here are some that are dead. It is kind of fun[2] - if you are really bored - to look at the content of these blogs. There is something melancholy about so many abandoned sites. So much tumbleweed. Lists of tumbleweed blogs would be appreciated too. not a valid firstname)
[1] I have actually found a blog of this form, so you lose and I win. Still it’s kind of interesting[3] how many fail the test and it does make you wonder about all those counts of the number of bloggers in the world.
[2] OK, it’s not actually fun.
[3] OK, it’s not actually interesting either.